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Ann and Ari Rosenblatt Prize for Visual Art
Moran Kliger has been awarded the 2024 Ann and Ari Rosenblatt Prize for Visual Arts
The prize, includes a solo exhibition in the main hall of the Artists House in Tel Aviv, curated by Nir Harmat.
The prize committee members: Dr. Galia Bar Or, Dr. Kobi Ben-Meir, Dalit Matityahu, Arie Berkowitz, Nir Harmat, Ann and Ari Rosenblatt

Working on my upcoming solo exhibition - Cain
May 15th - July 11th Noga Gallery, Tel- Aviv, Israel
With their blurred genitalia, Kliger’s figures are gender undetermined. Be they crossbreeds between masculinity and femininity or archetypal and mythological figures, they are archaic or futuristic creatures playing symbolic-didactic role as they oscillate between the human and the trans-human, nowhere and everywhere, outside time.
Polarity is also present in the drawings: some are bright, ballpoint drawings, carefully and meticulously drawn with laborious lines and looking like faded sketches or paintings; others are dark and shady drawings made with paint rollers and brushes as well as print-like stamping. Hanging as they do in the gallery’s space, exposed, unframed, mounted on the walls, the drawings seem to both continue and transcend the genre of wall painting as know from chapels, mausoleums, churches, etc.
written and curated by: Sally Haftel Naveh

Seven Primates
Artist Book
The “Seven Primates” artist book containing reproductions of and texts about recent and earlier works by Kliger. The authors of the texts are Tami Katz Freiman, independent curator and art researcher and critic; Oded Wolkstein, an essayist, translator and editor; and Shlomit Breuer, the exhibition curator.
Photos and Design by Kobi Franco

Seven Primates
Now at Basis Gallery
March 16th - May 19th Herzliya, Israel
In her solo exhibition “Seven Primates” at Basis Gallery in Herzliya, artist Moran Kliger will present large scale, labor-intensive pencil on paper figurative drawings. The works thematize the meeting point between man and ape. As the displayed image moves along the seam between the two, the works demonstrate how the border between man and beast blurs and dissolves, and the image itself becomes a new hybrid creature. In this twilight zone of the human and the animalistic, man has not yet lost completely his animalistic origin and the beast is heartrendingly “human.”

"Primates" Now at OpenART Biennial
June 18th- September 10th Orbero, Sweden

The Exhibition will include previous works alongside new works and a site- specific installation. "Primates" will combine a set of drawings together with natural pieces of wood covered in moss. The contrast between the meticulous work put in the drawings and the natural random growth of the moss, emphasises conflicts and tensions such as between the natural or wild, and the calculated or domesticated, that I regularly deal with in my art.
The moss represents neglect or decomposition, but at the same time it is alive and ever evolving. Bringing it in to the gallery space expropriates the wild element and brings it into a cultured, controlled environment. Yet, at the same time, this invasion creates a possible takeover of the wild over the domesticated space.
The wood and the moss also correspond with the drawings depicting various human-ape hybrids, creating a world that is seemingly familiar yet extremely strange. It remains unclear who or what these ape-people are - are they a previous stage in human evolution or rather, the next one; what is their natural habitat; what do they feel, or think. They defy any and all definition, yet they create a sense of familiarity and compassion through their all too human expressions, hand gestures and sitting positions. This brings to mind Freud’s concept of “The Uncanny”, as these ape-people create a sense of anxiety or unease, in which something strange appears in a familiar context, a moment of estrangement that is very substantive as it touches the very core of our being.

New short documentary
I had the pleasure to receive a visit from the online film doc series- by Shchaf Dekel, that gives a sneak peek into the creative process and development stages of Israeli creators by means of photography, sound and editing. Watch it and get an inside look into my studio.
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